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Who We Are

Harriette's Dream began over 30 years ago with one woman's vision of a place where children with special needs could grow in strength and confidence through their connection with horses. (See Our History tab for more information about the evolution of Horses for Healing.) Today, it has become a grant-making fund within the Arkansas Community Foundation, dedicated to helping organizations that: 

  • Provide Support to People in Need

  • Foster the Human / Animal Bond

  • Help Animals in Need

Grants are directed by our Donor Advisory Committee. We do not accept unsolicited proposals at this time, but if you would like to bring a worthy organization to our attention, you may send an email with the organization name, location, and why you believe it is worthy of support to

You can also help by supporting Harriette's Dream through donations to the Fund. As part of the Arkansas Community Foundation, donations made to Harriette's Dream Fund qualify as tax deductible and will help us continue our mission for many years to come.

Packing Food

People in Need

Providing a Helping Hand

You don't have to look far to find people who are in need: those who are hungry, in pain, physically or mentally ill, or devastated by life's blows. For many, a simple out-stretched hand can make a huge difference in their lives. Harriette's Dream seeks to find and support programs that provide this assistance. Priority is given to programs helping children, but those helping other needy populations (such as the economically disadvantaged, veterans, first responders, adults with disabilities, people with mental health and addiction issues, those traumatized by violence or abuse, disaster victims, etc) will also be considered.

Human / Animal Bond

Making Life Better, Together

Since ancient times, people have developed special connections with animals. This is not a one-way street: animals can benefit from their connection with humans as much as we benefit from them. Horses in therapeutic riding programs, service animals helping those with disabilities, search dogs finding lost people, therapy animals comforting patients in hospitals and nursing homes, dogs detecting cancer and other diseases... The list of ways people and animals can work together goes on and on.  Harriette's Dream funds programs that build on this bond, fostering greater connection between people and animals to their mutual benefit.

Man in Wheelchair with Therapy Dog
Shelter Dog Walker

Animals in Need

Caring for God's Creatures

The relationship between people and animals can be beautiful, but the sad reality is that the opposite is also true: there are far too many times when humans cause tremendous suffering for the animals that share this planet with us. Whether it is caused by cruelty, abuse, neglect, or ignorance, we at Harriette's Dream believe that we have a responsibility to help mitigate animal suffering. This is why we support programs whose focus is on protecting those who have no voice of their own.

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