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Our History

HfH Sign
TR Student Riding 1
Students Grooming 2
Tonka Santa 5 Head shot
HfH Riding Student

In 1991, Harriette had a dream. She was winding up a long career as a special education teacher and knew that children who are physically or mentally challenged often have few opportunities to experience even small successes in life. Her dream was to provide children with a place where they could succeed and have fun doing it.

While on a golfing trip in Arizona, she drove past a Therapeutic Riding Center. Having grown up riding horses in Texas, she knew the profound impact that a horse could have on a child. Golf was forgotten and instead she spent her vacation watching children with a variety of disabilities tackle (and succeed at!) challenges designed to improve their strength, coordination, and confidence. The children weren’t interested in the therapeutic value of their efforts – they were just having fun! Harriette knew then that her dream had found its form.

In 1991, Horses for Healing opened for business on just a few acres in Rogers, Arkansas, providing therapeutic riding lessons to 15 children with special needs from the local school district. A period of tremendous growth followed. Horses for Healing opened new horizons for children as one of only two accredited facilities in Arkansas and was the first to achieve the highest accreditation with PATH International. Children of all ages and abilities poured through the gates each week and the facility rang with their laughter and excited chatter.

By 2004, the program had outgrown its existing facility. In order to serve more children, Horses for Healing acquired a new home on 75 acres in nearby Bentonville. Almost daily, children from local schools arrived  by the busload. The afternoons were filled with parents bringing their children for small group lessons. Parents never had to be concerned about the cost of these lessons, thanks to the generous support of our volunteers and donors. So many “firsts” were witnessed over the ensuing years: first words, first steps, and first smiles.


Then, 2020 came. The COVID pandemic put an immediate stop to all programs. We shifted to 1-on-1 lessons for children whose parents felt that the emotional benefits of working with horses outweighed the COVID risks. It was a challenging time, but through the hard work and dedication of our staff, volunteers, and boarders, we were able to keep the barn doors open.

In the summer of 2022, we began to reassess our future. The world had changed, and the predominant issues affecting children had changed along with it. The programs we offered were no longer in line with the needs of the community. In October 2022, we reluctantly made the decision to close the doors.  During our 30+ years, we estimate that we helped between 10-15,000 children experience success and fulfill their dreams.

Then we faced the inevitable question: “What next?” Harriette’s dream was still alive but how to make it real again? That's when we learned about the possibilities of a grant-making fund within Arkansas Community Foundation. We understand too well the financial pressures that confront small non-profits. For many of them, a few thousands of dollars can make all the difference in the world.  Thanks to the legacy of Horses for Healing, we have funds available to help other organizations for many years to come. We also now have flexibility to adjust to the changing needs of the community. Harriette’s dream assumed a new form. Harriette’s Dream Fund was born.

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